With nineteen days remaining until the commencement of Memorial Day weekend, the
HITW is looking pretty good in regards to drying up. Only visible sign of winter is John's Glacier is still intact, although loosing ground fast with the Global Warming Trend that we have experienced.
Messican Lane is still packed in ice / snow from winter plowing but should be gone within the next couple of days. All of the drain system, except for about six inches of water in the catch basin and creeks are now dry.
Completed the roofing job on the "Duck House" with the exception of installing the skylight. Just need to lay the glass and "
nailer down". With the past two days, I have got a nice sunburn, seems strange working in the
HITW the first of May in a T-Shirt. Thought for awhile I was getting heat stroke, had a real severe headache. Finally it got so bad this evening I went to the emergency room to get it checked out. I just have to remember not to scratch my head when I have the nail gun in my hand.

Looks like Mt. Redoubt could be leading up to something, she is putting out a big plume and the seismic activity has increased. Hope it does not scare away the King Salmon into Anchor River.