Last summer, we spent a good many hours cutting and pulling roots of alder trees. Although, some clan members had great fun in "surfing" the piles of alders as they were towed to the burn pile, although a good number of unproductive hours was spent in this fun event.
Unfortunately, all of you missed all the fun after the first snowfall and it came time to burning the alder piles. Four days of burning took care of the Messican Lane pile, they were so neatly stacked. However, I did save the Bronco Lane burn pile for this spring.
We still have a very nice supply of healthy alders growing, perhaps we should consider projects such as those pictured. As fast as they grow, we could have some neat "art work" to enhance the area. It is going to take someone with a good eye for art and has also has a lot of experience in pruning and drafting trees. If any of you have these "artistic" talents, you can be the supervisor of the project.
We will be excavating additional trees this spring, those could be transplanted by design and within a couple two or three years, we should have some projects completed and in full growth.
Being that I believe in a democracy, but still feel that a monarchy, is the least amount of trouble, I feel that we should each nominate the person we feel would be best suited for the project engineer. Please feel free to leave your nomination in the comment section.
Speaking of that, has anyone but me noticed that we never hear from our Shaman in the comment section, is he on sabbatical? How about the Beaver Clan, do they still live in same damm place? Although the Lynx Cats have been quiet as of late they comment on occasion, the last time I heard anything of them they were transporting my Girlie cookies from LA. I still have not seen my cookies. The Moose also comments very seldom, I guess with the spring temps in the 60 and 70's they are huddled up in some wallow. The Bear Clan has returned from paradise after getting some sun, perhaps their computer will be ready to go back on line.
At any rate, I digressed in my discussion pertaining to the subject of nominations. After reviewing what little talent we have, I am going to nominate the Alpha Wolf. He is up and around before anyone else and will have plenty of time to come up with some unique designs and locations for the projects.
I considered the Bull Buff, but he now has a full time HITW position. In recent days, I have named him as the Superintendent of the official HITW Motor Pool. It will be his responsibility to ensure the motor pool vehicles are maintained in a safe operating condition for those needing to utilize them. PaPa Bear's green Chevy will be brought to the HITW and become the first official motor pool vehicle. He will also be responsible for any repairs required on miscellaneous gas or diesel powered equipment, i.e., generators, stoves, and chain saws. Realizing that this is going to be a major task in maintenance I feel that it is only fair to also provide him an assistant with a title. Perhaps, Alpha Lynx Cat would be best suited in this position as Clan Lead Mechanic. In the event that they are unable to keep up with the regular scheduled maintenance and emergency repairs, I will also assign Little Boy Buff and Little Boy Moose as apprentices to the Superintendent and Lead Mechanic.
If you would like to see some additional tree art pictures, the address is
If you would like to see some additional tree art pictures, the address is
Think spring, it will not be long before the "bell tolls" once again!