After viewing this marvelous bridge, the concept came to me that we could build one of these from the rim of the Eagle Nest, extending over the Hole In The Wall. It would not only provide a great aerial view of the bowl but would also provide shelter in the remote chance that it should rain. A platform could be extended from the side, where we could mount our Bald Eagle feeding station and not have to worry about the bears raiding their pantry. The Plumma would also have one solid anchor to mount his zip line into the bowl. During the winter games, it would provide an excellent viewing platform for the spectators to enjoy the ski boarding and toboggan events. To costly, no problem. Over the past thirty years, the Epperson's have replaced all the glass in their prow front home two times because of the winds at the top of West Hill. They have saved all the glass and on several occasions offered it to us if I would haul it away. A few 4" x 4"s and 2" x 6"s, which we should be able to get out of the Wolves dunnage stack should do the trick. I have plenty of sheet rock screws in stock. To give it the rustic look of the HITW, we could cut some small birch off the neighbors property and handcraft handrails around the perimeter. This project is obtainable with a minimum cost and no environmental damage. While in fact, it would provide protection, instead of killing all the natural floral and fauna with the foot path to the Eagle Nest, all we would need to do is affix a ladder to the outside edge for access to the Eagle Nest. This project would have so many useful purposes, it makes my head spin with concepts and anxiety to get started.
مشاهدة فيلم كامل All the Old Knives (year)
4 years ago
3 comments: you don't prattle enough on that other site...people full of tall tales might likely got shot at HITW.
You are still alive! I even put a "hit" out on you when you were dating my daughter, then had a change of heart so don't push me. I still have his phone number and he is still holding my deposit!
For those that review only the last posting entered, you may want to take a look at the first posting on the site - a lot of great comments piling up on that posting. Some real bad mouthing!
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