It is raining, has been raining, and will continue to rain. Be advised that the Anchor River Bridge is now open for traffic, completed three days ahead of schedule. You will no longer have any trouble seeing the "height restriction" sign for the bridge. If you miss it, you also will miss the bridge. Anchor Point is now less than a mile from the Eagle Nest.
Did break through the "berm" and into the HITW yesterday. The driveway is now plowed out wide enough to land a Cessna and down to bare ground. I did make an attempt to plow the "bowl" area, although plowing snow in eight inches of water is very difficult. Despite my best engineering, it appears that the "Duck House" has flooded out, currently the front porch is underwater. Had a slight accident, while trying to push the snow and water, I backed into the "Wolf Den", fortunately it was relatively secure with dunnage, but it did move slightly and the kitchen sink that was stored under the overhang was evidently a cheap model as it did not withstand the pressure of a truck backing into it - but it does have a nice curve to it. I am sure, it is nothing that the Plumma can't fix with a big hammer.
The top of the fire pit is now visible and the wood pile is clear of all snow and survived the winter. Based on the amount of standing water, since the drainage ditches are still blocked with snow and ice, if I had a sump pump that could extract water at the rate of 1,000 gpm, I could have it drained in three to four days. Could not help but play a bit, so I high marked the side of the hill with the plow truck, I was surprised how high on the hill I could get but turning around was a little scary. Currently, I believe in global warming. The glacier is down to the size that it was on Memorial Day a year ago so I doubt that it will survive until the weekend this year. Perhaps, the Little Clan Master had the best idea, dig a tunnel into the hillside.
If you are having to read faster than normal, it is because I have DSL - well almost. Remember how simple it is to hook up. It was suppose to be connected on 4/18, got the package in the mail and hook up all the little wires - but nothing happened. My little green light just kept flashing. Worked on it, cussed Heidi for talking me into it and then called the tech connect. They had not completed the work order to convert me over but it would be ready on the 19th. Again, got up early, checked my little green light and it was still blinking. Once again, I called the tech, "Oh, Mr. Harrington, we are so sorry but we had to postpone your work order until the 22nd because we need to install a part on your main line. " I reminded them that the 22nd was on a Sunday, "oh, our field crews do not work on the weekends so we will have to wait until Monday to see when they can get to it" Yea, right, I will need to wait until July to see if I can pay my phone bill as well. I sure hope DSL will increase my speed but evidently it does not speed up the service personnel.
مشاهدة فيلم كامل All the Old Knives (year)
5 years ago
Belay my last complaint, came homne from work today and all three of my little fgreen lights were solid. Quick call tothe tech connect and I am on line with DSL, no more six hour download time of one picture. I am happy.
However, DSL does not seem to improve spelling errors or keep up with my rapid key stroking.
I am so glad you are up to speed. Don't worry about the sink it was a demo from a bar, all the alcohol ate holes in the bottom if it. Novel idea that sump pump thing.
Good to hear you had fun high-marking the banks. Sounds like you're looking for a 4" trash pump for the gpm your project will require. At $200 dollars a day +fuel you may as well purchase one for the years ahead. You should, also, consider hauling gravel in your spare time. Just 10 more inches of cover, and we'll be above the water. Believe it or not, blogger spell-checks comments as well. Looking forward to arriving at HITW! The SPAM is stocking up as we speak.
can you double clutch with DSL?
I tell you Macafee is pain in my butt-shuts me down when ever it pleases.
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