
It must be spring, the Bears are poking their heads out of their den.


Shana said...

I went to see them and I I saw was a butt crawling in for a few more zzz's. anyway I will assume that is why when I knock their site wonlt let me in.

Stan Harrington said...

As I write this, it is warmer in LA and Anchor Point than it is in Beaver, Utah, Montrose, Colorado and Wamsutter, WY (wherever that is). Global Warming has now hit Alaska!

Stan Harrington said...

As I write this, according to our HITW Weather Station, it is still colder in those locations mentioned earlier than it is in LA or AP which was at 9:49 PM. How can peole stand to live in such cold climates. The sound of the river running is music to the ear - I think I heard a salmon jump earlier this evening.

RangerBill574 said...

Which is why I have ruled Wamsutter off my list of desired retirement communities. You ought to see them on Spring breakup. Now Beaver, the scenery is always good in Beaver and if its cold, you just grab another Beaver for cuddlin

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