
Now this is the Law of the Jungle --
as old and as true as the sky;
And the Wolf that shall keep it may prosper,
but the Wolf that shall break it must die.
As the creeper that girdles the tree-trunk
the Law runneth forward and back --
For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf,
and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.

~Rudyard Kipling~

the case better still be locked and kept in a cool,
dry place - nowhere
near sparks or flame
(please). if "fuzz" appears
to be growing, move to
back of property line and contact me
here immediately.

Looking forward to "leveling" the den,
come spring. See ya there.

Technology Strikes HITW

This picture has nothing to do with the subject matter of this posting, but I am so proud of this shot, I just wanted to share it with you one more time.

This picture also has no bearing on my words of wisdom, but again, just wanted to share this great shot with you, one more time!

The "warning", "dinner" and just multi purpose annoying bell and the wind directional device are safely secured in my basement until spring when weather permits installation on the gazebo at the HITW. These are good additions to the HITW, in the anticipation of the forth coming season. However, in remembrance of our "original" blog (log) system at the HITW and the advancement that each of us have made in computer technology, I am very excited to announce that the HITW is now a WIFI spot for your enjoyment. Effective, today, the Eagles Nest has went wireless and broadcasting at maximum allowable strength. Due to the location of the HITW in relationship to the elevation of the Eagle Nest, you may need to lug your "tower" and keyboard with a back up battery pack to the top of the "sand hill" or on top of the gazebo to gain access to the signal.

I have also installed my "laptop" to a new printer and have them set up on Mama Eagles desk, she now has no excuse not to be on the system. She is now wireless, a good computer, and no reason not to start blogging. I have also re-activated her old email address (tlh418@yahoo.com), now it is up to all of you to entice her to join the electronic era. I would suggest that all of you bombard her mail box with email enticing her to re-activate her blog site, just a suggestion! Have a hood day day, a good evening, and a Happy New Year.


Merry Christmas

To All Of The Clans Of The Hole In The Wall,
Regardless Of Where You Roam
The Hole In The Wall Will Always
Remain Your Home.
Wishing Everyone A Very Merry Christmas
And Many Happy Memories Of
The Hole In The Wall
In The New Year.


You may see her at the HITW someday so allow me to introduce you all to my brand new girlfriend-
Cindy "Yahoo" Morgan of Layton, UT



No matter where we go, no matter what we do, somewhere inside of us a little voice calls to go home. It seems when we are not near the ones we love...we tend to miss them in a different way...a way that opens the mind and heart...some call it homesickness...right now I am calling it the need for spring...sorry Christmas...but fresh air and sunshine cure all that ales a human being.

With several months still until we can open the flood gates of the HITW...I would just like to say this...

Family fun for everyone,
basking in the mud,
fire burning brazenly,
hey we need more wood!
people roaming round the grounds,
dogs going to the bar.
marshmallows by the fire side,
no peeps for me next year.
Tournaments we know I'll lose,
no hard feeling here.
Just wait you folks,
for come next year,
Nerd games I have prepared.
Wolves, and Moose, Bears and Buffs
soaring with the Eagles.
Ravens come and Ravens go,
the squirrels eating peanuts
Our Charmin, and our other friends,
roaming oh so near.
Basking in the summer sun
waiting for Blue Duck
to come riding home.

On that note...Dana planning how many pounds of Avocados she needs this year? Dad have you got the balls waxed? Whats our camp fire surprise next summer sister?? Hey pope? he is never here anyway...but he is responsible for my new found liking to alcohol...wonder what expensive whiskey he will treat us too this time. (my annual drunk) Will we build a kitchen this year? What will we modify? and Uncle Bill...maybe he will bring us horses okay more like mules...but close enough hmmm....
Family and Memories...with one like ours...it is hard to stay too far from home.

On this note...Happy Holidays to my family...Remember it is the season of hope and good faith...faith that all will be well in the end. I love you guys.


Photos (HITW Damage Assessment Report (11/25)

Photo's to accompany the Damage Assessment Report of 11/25 in the event that you have any great desire to file for any type of claim which I am sure you are not entitled to.

Receding Water Damage To
Parking Area And Green Zone

Affect On the Cook Tent From The Wind Velocity Reaching Hurricane Strength, The Roof On The Fire Pit Gazebo Does Not Leak - Standing Water is Result of Grannies Gully and Other Unnamed Temporary Streams.

Landslide and Affect that It Had On The Buffalo Wallow. Note That Grannies Gully Is Still Flowing Water Four Days Following Hurricane. Excess Material Washed Down In Landslide Can Be Utilized For Back Fill Around the "Wallow" In Order To Level Out Remaining Portion Of Lot.

Wind and Rolling Rock Damage To the "Wolf Den". When Funding Is Available And A Environmental Impact Statement Is Completed, Signage Will Be Made Available To "Watch For Rolling Rocks"

Second Gully Discovered Which Normally Will Create The HITW Glacier. Not Indicated In Original Damage Assessment, But An Excessive Amount Of Fill Material Was Also Deposited At the Base of the Ravine From the Aqua Firm Being Saturated. Majority Of This Fill Material Was High Grade Gravel With Some Indication That It could Be The Overburden Of The "Arnie Motherload". It Is Unique In That The Stream Diverts Underground For Approximately Ten Feet Before Resurfacing Between the Wolf Den and the Bear Den. This Makes The Wolf Pack Property Unique In that It Sits On A Slightly Raised Ridge Between The Glacier Field Ravine and Grannies Gully.


HITW Damage Assessment Report

This is the current Radar image of the front moving into our area. The image was taken at 2230 this date. The similarity between this front and the low pressure that recently passed over us is almost identical. Note the southerly end of this front is originating in the South Pacific, picking up a lot of strength from the warmer water conditions. The Anchor River reached bank level flood stage during the last front and has not receded since that time. Additional precipitation in the form of rain that has been received today and expected in the future could well maximize the volume that the Anchor River can withstand. No damage has been caused from recent "high water" conditions, however, the leaning tree over the river that was always in our way on my favorite hole as posted a couple of days ago, is now gone and will be out of our way during the 2008 fishing season.

I was able to access the HITW this afternoon under severe storm conditions and minor flooding. Damage assessment is light, however, one might want to consider moving the Buffalo Wallow. Those who build at the bottom of a "drain gully" even if it is a designated trail during the summer months may want to consider the impact of drain water and mud slides. A small mud slide has occurred in the vicinity of the base of "Grannies Gully", perhaps a large enough berm has been created from the slide that it will protect the "wallow" from future water surges.

Although it is desirable to build a den with a deck in the trees for privacy, this location should also be reconsidered or at a minimum a retaining wall be built on the deck to keep debris from being deposited onto the deck area from the sloping hillsides. Although, the "big" rock that is now a deck decoration looks kinda of neat sitting on the deck. The irony of it is, I believe I remember someone trying to pry this rock out of the hillside to watch it roll down the slope and make a better sledding hill. Mother nature and a little water erosion had no problem with moving the rock. Minimal damage occurred, however, removal of the rock may be difficult. With the weight of the rock, the deck being tied into the den, it did lift the front of the den up high enough that one of the braces supporting the "bungalow bedroom suite" extending over the front is now disengaged from the camper.

The " Moose Wallow" winter roofing cover has been removed by high winds and tie down fatigue. No visable damage to the decking area with surprisingly little water flow through the area, it appears the majority of the water flow was diverted to the center of the bowl.

The 'fire pit gazebo" is in good shape, although it is surrounded by flood water, however, the contractor had the foresight to construct the foundation out of rock and concrete. Although the new installed gutter drains that are attached to the roof line of the gazebo appear to be working effectively, most likely would work even better is "downspouts" were installed.

The "Bear Den" has weathered well, no damage assessment noted with no standing water.

As soon as weather permits, salvage operations will commence on the "cook tent", although the structure remains intact, the front has been lifted by heavy winds and moved to the south approximately three feet with the rear of the structure remaining attached to the decking material. I have been assured by several friends that I can borrow one of their skiffs to gain access into the HITW to make needed repairs.

The "family tree" area is in very good shape, I see no great need to water the seeds in "Rose's Garden", they appear to be getting enough moisture.

Future plans, we may want to consider placing a rock and dirt dam at the base of "Grannies Gully" and tie it into the bluff to act as a reservoir during future run off periods as this is the main drainage area of the meadows on top of the bluff. As soon as weather and access permits, will forward pictures for those desiring to submit an insurance claim or submit applications for federal flood assistance. I have declared it as a minor disaster area so local, state, and federal funding may be available for those that desire to file a claim.


"Mr. Woodman, Please Spare That Tree"

On the northeast corner of the property, there sits a giant spruce tree. Most likely the oldest tree on the compound, however, it has breathed it last breath. It has been dead for several years. I have looked at it several times, even had my chain saw in hand to cut it down, but always backed off due to it's size. My son's and out law son's took a look at it as well, they are as wise as Iand also backed off from taking it down.

Concerned, that it would eventually fall across the neighbors drive way, I told our "wood cutter" he could have it if he took her down. I found out today, that while I was gone he did take it down. I had not even missed seeing it. However, after he got it down, he decided that it would make us better firewood that dimensional lumber for him, so he left it on the ground for us to work up into firewood. I can hear those chain saws and that finely tuned log splitter going to work come spring. Should be enough wood in that one tree to last a weekend.

Speaking of a weekend, not yet confirmed but I understand from the recent Board of Fish meeting in Homer we are going to get extra fishing time this year on the Anchor River, like an extra day per week and be allowed to retain five kings per year. Don't know if I like either of these changes, but we will see how it goes and if the runs remain strong. Should make for a good HITW King Salmon Derby. Mark your calendars and get those eggs ready. We can fish as soon as the tree is cut up, split and stacked neatly!


Investors Wanted


Quincy, California

Pulled out of Tonopah, Nevada early this morning, when you stay in a Clown Motel, there is bound to be a lot of clowns and they were noisy all night, nothing noisier than a bunch a clowns that have been partying.

Only covered 358.9 miles today, bringing our run up to 8,562.9 miles but we did see a variety landscapes. Early this morning, it was much the same as yesterday, prairie covered with sagebrush and an occasional wild burro. Most of the small towns on this route are basically ghost towns showing signs that the mining played out many years ago. However, I did find a business opportunity that has potential for growth in the libation industry with perhaps a small brothel on the side.

You cannot make out the name of this establishment from the picture, the name of this bar and brothel is he Long Branch Saloon. There is a "For Sale" sign on the building, but I could not find anyone that looked like Miss Kitty and evidently Matt Dillon was out of town as cars were speeding through town. Looked for Festus, I think I found his mule, perhaps, burro but not him nor Doc. As you can see from the second picture, it is a "fixer upper"but a great way to build instant equity. As you can see, it has some great highway frontage, about two feet off the highway so you will need to buy the adjacent
vacant lot so truckers could pull in, I am sure a good number of them would be ready for a brothel and a stiff drink after driving this lonesome route. Did not see anyone else in town so you could set up your own government.
Arriving in Gardnerville, Nevada we started seeing the scene change to agriculture in nature, however as we left town we immediately started gaining altitude from about 4,000 feet to 9,000 foot pass, heavily wooded with Ponderosa Pine. Reaching the peak of the pass, it was an immediate decline down the other side with a view of Lake Tahoe and the valley. A beautiful drive. Arriving in South Lake Tahoe, Terry wanted to spend a couple hours shopping. I had no choice, shop or go to a casino. Wanting to spend some quality shopping time with her, but knowing she preferred to shop by herself so she could take her time, I made the sacrifice and sought the refuge of Harrah's Casino. During her absence, I nursed three free rum and cokes and played conservatively with a $50.00 tab. Upon her return,my $50.00 investment was down to $18.00. My next pull, I pulled it up to $32.00 so she suggested we leave at that point, "ah, come on, just a couple of more pulls", on the third pull I finally hit a triple and cashed in my check for $245.00. My net winnings of $195.00 almost covered her shopping spree. Best of all, I left Nevada a winner from Laughlin and Tahoe!
The drive around the South End of Lake Tahoe was beautiful, no sign of the fire that swept through this area. We did spend about five minutes on the interstate, just long enough to catch a secondary road that will take us across California in a NW direction and right through the center of the Sierra's. Our decision was good, as soon as we got off the interstate, we had no traffic. The landscape is rolling hills and smaller mountains heavily forested by huge Sugar Pine. Dropping into the valleys, the communities are small and predominantly ranching areas with large cattle ranches, expect to see the Cartwrights come riding out of the trees at anytime. This part of California is livable, appears to be relatively untouched with large developments. Looking forward to the trip tomorrow, the Sierra's should be beautiful as we have Lassen Volcanic National Park, perhaps Shasta National Park to visit. If we do not get tied up touring the parks and enjoying the scenery, we should make the Pacific Coast by evening. We will hit the coast at McKinleyville, California to start our trek up Highway 101 to visit friends. We have made the 101 trip several times, you can never get tired of this drive.
The next time, you hear someone mention that we are running out of military and munitions, ask them to visit Hawthorne Nevada. I have passed through here before, it is a non descript little town out in the prairie of Nevada. For twenty five miles, you drive through the explosive ordinance storage area. They are all bunkers, built to ground level and covered with dirt, rows of them as far as the eye can see on both sides of the road. The Navy Undersea Warfare training detachment is also here. In the middle of Nevada and dessert area. However, there is a huge lake (which Dutch went swimming in) that I assume they use for training. Some how, they got the word that a retired Chief was in town because they gave me a military escort as I left town. I assume it was a convoy for me, I passed a Humve with two battle dressed soldiers standing up in the rear looking over the top of the driver. Going back into my lane after passing, I am behind another army truck - I was inside their convoy! Not desiring to have any part of what the Army was doing, I put the petal to the metal and pulled out of the convoy leaving them in my rear view mirror. However,I did not exceed my highest posted speed of the trip.
See you on up the road and the coast.


Introduction To Alaska

These little guys are cute! I got relatively close to them on foot, but they are awful skittish so it took a few steps at a time and stop to get these pictures, I was not going to get any closer. After seeing a large number of these little critters roaming free, I got to thinking, they would be ideal to have at the HITW. They browse for their own food in a very meager area, go without water and surely in time could be broke to he saddle or wagon. I figure if Ranger Bill was to spend a few nights in this area with a well broke mule, he could possibly get into roping distance of these critters. Let's don't be greedy, follow Noah's advice and gather them 2x2, male and female and in time we could have a burro herd roaming the Anchor River Recreational Area. As an enticement to get Ranger Bill to volunteer for this round up, about five miles south of where this herd was located we passed "Shady Lady Brothel" and five miles north, a second one the "Pink Lady Brothel". I wanted to stop and get some pictures but both Terry and Suzie put that idea to rest in a hurry!

Forgot to mention in my personal blog, got in a little fishing time while in Laughlin. Did not pack any gear but Walmart was close at hand so I picked up a cheapie rod and reel. Found a great fishing spot, a heavy concentration of "Yellow Eye" Rockfish and "Red Snapper". The clerk at Walmart said there was no limit on either specie so I kept two of each to eat on the way home if we can find a motel with a kitchenette. I could not believe how good the fishing was and so close to the hotel. It was great.



Two hillbillies walk into a restaurant. After ordering their cornbread and beans, they talk about the latest addition to their junkyard business. Suddenly, a woman at a nearby table, who is eating a sandwich, begins to cough. After a minute or so, it becomes apparent that she is in real distress. One of the hillbillies looks at her and says "Kin ya swallar?" The woman shakes her head no. "Kin ya breathe?" The woman begins to turn blue and shakes her head no. The hillbilly walks over to the woman, lifts up the back of her dress, yanks down her drawers and quickly gives her right butt cheek a lick with his tongue. The woman is so shocked that she has a violent spasm and the obstruction flies out of her mouth. As she begins to breathe again, the hillbilly walks slowly back to the bar. His partner says, "Ya know, I'd heerd 'bout that there 'Hind Lick Manuver', but I ain't never seed nobody do it."

Thanks Jen ...it was worth posting


Trinkets For the Clans

Will be heading home with a few trinkets for each of the family clans, compliments of Ranger Bill, temporarily has the clan name of "henohavename", in the Navajo and Arapahoe dictionary that means "a man with no name", however,while a the bottom of the Capital Reef today, I had a slight vision, however, I need a clearer vision as it could have been a mild case of heat stroke that I was feeling. In the homeland of Butch Cassidy, I would love to find some kind of sign bearing his name, even if I have to steal it! Perhaps,I will return to Butch Cassidy Gully tomorrow. Come this spring, I will be wearing a new hat that says U.S.S. SHANGRI-LA CVS-38. Ranger Bill just happened to find it in a store while he was looking at some other hats. My first ship, there cannot be that many of us around that there would be market for a Shangri-la hat. Did the rain gutters get installed on the Gazebo?


Eagles Are Migrating

View Larger Map


I Got a Secret.

I know something you dont know....wonder how long it will take you to figure it out.


Colors Retired

The colors that fluttered with pride while overlooking the Hole In the Wall Recreational Area, were lowered at 2:38 pm on Wednesday, marking the closing ceremony for this spring, summer and fall season. It took a little longer to close down this year, perhaps it was because we did not want to see the season end although poor weather conditions, illness, other priorities and a slight case of laziness were all factors.

All the dens and wallows have been secured with a variety of colored tarps, blue, silver, and gray, almost like a rainbow coalition. That was a simple chore this season since the Wolf Pack and Bear Covey (what is a bunch of Bears called?) had already covered their homes. The "Duck House" Recreational Center and Museum also sports a new "Blue" tarp and perfect storage area for fish!

The Cook Tent remains in place, although hesitant at first I finally conceded t0 the pressure of the Lady Eagle and took her advice, which now I have to admit was solid and well thought out. It was her idea, since parts to the sliding door at the end of the tent were lost, was to replace it with the end from the Buffalo Tent, it did fit perfect and a much better system that the original end piece. Prior to storing the remaining portion of the Buffalo tent, she came up with the concept to simply place that tent over the top of the cook tent, again her thinking was logical and it was simple enough to accomplish and it fit perfectly. The Cook Tent is now double roofed, securely lashed to the decking with nylon straps and screws and all seams covered with "Duct Tape". I did a quick engineering test on it after it was completed, the Cook Tent is now secure enough to withstand Williwaws in the range of 85 to 125 knots and withstand snow loads of less than 5.3 feet of snow. All remaining items, chairs, tables, tarps, buckets, counters, sink, coolers, kindling and dunnage are stowed neatly inside the tent a waiting spring.

Several new surprises await you for next spring, I could tell you now but why spoil a good winter of anticipation! While I completed the final area clean up and hauled garbage, she once again manned the ladder with paint brush in hand and put the final coat of stain on the roof of the Fire Pit Gazebo, the project is now completed until spring when a second coat of stain will be required and some minor repairs. The winter will be spent in conceptual planning for spring, several new projects in mind which should enhance the purpose of the project. Looking forward to seeing the affect of the Wolfette Landscaping Project, flowers will bloom there! With the onslaught of the fall typhoons, the flowering bushes have flourished and in full blossom, the bush at the Moose Wallow has tripled it's original size and completely covered with blossoms leading me to believe that they require a lot of water.

It was a good year, next year can only be better and we look forward to that.


My co driver sends his greetings.
He looks like he is a panic in the truck photo. I forgot to tell him how to reach the brake.
The space next to me is his and his alone. Unless Stan comes South for a ride along.


Typhoon Strikes HITW

Although Typhoon and Monsoon rains pounded the Anchor River Valley over the past twenty four hours, the area will not be declared a National Disaster Area. Only damage on the river due to the high water levels is that the weir washed out again, fish counting days have concluded for this season. Two more programs and the Sport Fishing Report will also conclude. At the HITW, the Kroc Pond has reformed so Mr. Kroc is expected to return to his habitat. The fire pit area is also under water, however, the kitchen remains high and dry. The heavy rains were a good thing, while the water levels are up we will send in a survey crew by boat to mark the high water lines in the low areas, that way in the spring we will know where we need to dump truck loads of fill. Butch and Sundance are safe and secure, now that they have relocated their winter home, someone moved it on them but by spreading peanuts to their camper they were able to re-locate and seem to like the back deck area. They will be o.k. for the winter. That is all.


2008 suggestion

Five of these welsch pony crosses were for sale for a mere $3500 and those two Belgians were $4800, what a deal. Calculate what a belgian will eat. Buyer beware.


"Legends Of the Fall"

The colors of the fall are just now starting to settle in the valley of the "Hole In the Wall", the river is quiet as we watch the slow transition from one season to the next.
Soon, the colors will intensify and the sound of the geese will be heard as they
also commence their journey southward.
One day soon, we will see the ice starting to form along the edges of our river, followed by a blanket of snow.
In time, the snow and frost will yet again yield to the green grasses of spring and the cry of the geese will be heard once again on their northward journey.
Although the seasons and the landscape are always changing,
the one constant is that this will always be our home.
For those that are visiting the site, this is the Anchor River. The picture was shot from the Anchor River Bridge on September 5th by Dick Bedard.


Suggested improvement for 2008

No not more truck parking. Look at the little chapel. This one in Biggs Junction, OR. Yep you need a chapel for your Pope to minister from. This one may even have a "bell". On Saturday night you could even hold bingo in the chapel.


Summer of 2007

Watching the summer come to a close while sitting in the confines of the HITW was a gift I will cherish forever. Morning coffee under the gazebo. Talking with the tribe of white masked bandits and chattering with the birds,I watched as the camouflage of green slowly faded to the vibrant colors of fall. (The view from the Duck House as the sun rises is heavenly if the smell where different.) Ghost memories of past clan gatherings ran through my head as I thought of the growth our little haven has seen...the memories, laughter, and even some tears...but memories for us all to cherish.
I thought back to the chill of the mornings Memorial Weekend as we put together our summer home...In the fall that chill is at night, mornings were warm even in the rain. I thought back to the HITW when we first arrived in a muddy wet sand pit...turned out to be primitive concrete I think...now hard work on our parts and lots of love has dried out the mud...even in the rain...puddles accumulate but the mud of the past seems to be 99% gone.
Willows and Alders, once little shoots hardly noticeable, now almost surround the area...it is hard to tell it was a sand pit.
I relived the summer of 2007 in my heart and head...cementing it in the mud banks of my brian...the long wait we had to endure due to my fathers misreading the email on Dee-Dee and Donny's arrival. Their actual arrival and the visit of our second guests of the summer. (Remember Uncle Bill arrived earlier in the spring.)Having family in the Hole made it even more of a haven for me. Having family from the past in the Hole...made me feel young again. Seems when they pulled out of town...Uncle Bill followed them...leaving the Hole to father with nothing to do. He took advantage of the sun and the previously planted sauna tubes (in hopes of building a gazebo next year)...and built it this year. A beautiful addition to our haven...and bait for the return of family in future years.
Summer was still in full bloom upon my arrival at the Hole. The gazebo being newly finished was in need of a coat of stain...with the monies left in the money jar I hired a Mexican to do the work...she did a mighty fine job too...and in record time. Unfortunately dad will have to find some more change...about 35 cents an hour...I ran out before the top of the roof was done...or he will have to climb the ladder himself. So now the bait was on the hook for the clans up here to come South...I myself did not cast the line...but I am glad they were landed.
Moving the Wolf Den and putting up our wood for Memorial Weekend made if feel less like an end and more like a beginning for next year.
Having "family" from out of state for the closing weekend made it even better. Pat and Dick were fun to have around it was great listening to stories and seeing pictures of my parents when they were...okay I will not go there as it will ruin the "I am young feeling" (they were my kids age!). Oops!!
Pat works wonders in the kitchen and I was treated to the most wonderful pssketti in the world...and I know the secret ingredient now. It was fun to watch my parents with friends from the past...and even though i do not remember these people I felt I did.
Teaching my father a new competitive sport was something I could have lived with out...but it was a fun game and the balls did not weigh nearly as much as a ballini ball...nor was it necessary to throw them as hard as a base ball. Best of all...it did not require me to attempt to catch a speeding object.(we will soon have to spend the entire summer down there just to play all the tournaments).
So the weekend drew to a close...and the trees will soon finish shedding their leaves...
but under the blanket of brown that will become white...our summer of '07 memories...will be taking root for the leaves of '08.
(Now I wish I had a digital camera...this is the time for the sappy song and the photo shoot....maybe someone will add it to this post later.)


Labor Day Festivities

Welcome all, I understand that the Clans will all gather one more time at the Hole In The Wall to say farewell to the summer season. It will be great having all of you back in camp once again. Let's see, the interior of the Gazebo has been stained, however it does need a little touch up and the roof has not yet been completed, so it needs the first coat of stain. Firewood needs to be cut, stack and tarped. Could use a load of pea gravel to go around the fire pit. The fire pit needs to be stained the same color as the roof. The cook tent floor needs to be repaired from the damage caused when the Bull Buffalo tried to show us his tap dancing moves. Just kidding, all of these chores will be competed in time during September and early October as life slows down a bit. Nothing there that your hosts cannot do in a couple of days time. This last holiday weekend is devoted to fun, games, and just sitting around the fire pit.
However, no assembly of this many clan members can pass without the introduction of something new, exciting, competitive, entertaining and something everyone can enjoy. Consequently, with the authority vested to me by being the Exalted Grand Poopah, I hereby proclaim the following:
Lifelong, visiting friends of the Eagle Clan has introduced a new game that will surely be enjoyed by all Clansmen, regardless of age, sexuality, or physical condition. They have not only introduced the game but have graciously donated said game to the HITW.
It is hereby resolved, that this game will henceforth be the official game of the Hole In the Wall Recreational Area.
Be It Further Resolved, although this game has various names, for our use it will be referred to as the Bedard Bola Ball Banger or BBBB.
Be It Further Resolved that the Plumma, being the Alpha Male of the Wolf Pack will be in charge of the maintenance, repair, and refinement of equipment associated with the game.
Be It Further Resolved, it is so Proclaimed that the 2006 HITW Championship of the BBBB will be conducted at the HITWRA BBBB Court commencing at 11:11 a.m. on Sunday, September 2nd, 2006. Rules of fair play to follow this proclamation.
Tournament Rules
The BBBB will not be revealed until 11:11 a.m., Sunday, September 2nd with a short introduction. Following the introduction each team will be allowed to practice a one full round at each target.
The Double Elimination match will commence at high noon at the HITW BBBB Court.
Seeding will be based on a random draw with the Bear Clan in Charge of the Seeding Chart and Score Keeping.
Pairings will consist of the adult female and male member of the Clan. Double Elimination will continue until One Clan is determined to be the Champions of the BBBB Tournament.
Immediately following the Championship Round, the Male and Female Member of the Championship Team will play one round of Singles BBBB to determine the Individual BBBB Champion.
Following the Adult Division, the Younger Clan members will team up and hold a similar competition to determine the Team Championship and Individual Championship. Substitutes are acceptable in the Junior Division in the event the Clan does not have two juveniles in their Clan or they are not available for play. Only those Clan Members under the age of 14 are allowed in the Junior Division. Clan members over 14 years of age will be in the Senior Division with partnerships arranged.
Prizes Galore Which Will Be Awarded on a Random Drawing Basis Of Those Players Participating In the 1st Annual BBBB Tournament.
Dick and Pat Bedard will be our honored guests and will be participating in the BBBB Tournament.
Be Ready For a Great Time


The Future of the Hole
A glimpse here of the future given the current rate of improvement to the Hole in the Wall campground. The flag still flies over the hill but as you see a roller coaster has been added to speed you around for giggles. A big leap from that old zip line of yesteryear. RangerBill was adopted into the Buffalo clan and posted a fancy sign over his digs. The gazebo was added onto and onto and onto till it looked like this.
The Future of the Hole


New Record Set

With the HITW having full time residents, a new fire pit Gazebo and cloudy weather, the need for firewood has dramatically increased. Two loads of wood have went up in smoke to date and with dwindling supplies, it was determined that immediate action was required. I made one load by myself which lasted a few days but on Friday, it was determined additional firewood would be required. The Eagle Clan made the first load, which was an adequate load but the supply yard seemed to have a run on long trees, with most pieces exceeding twenty feet and difficult to haul in a eight foot bed truck, especially when the tail gate does not open. On the second load, the Eagle Clan was better prepared and with the use of the chain saw, bucked up the longer pieces into eight foot lengths which would settle nicely within the confines of the truck bed. Once this load was level with the tail gate, the additional longer pieces were added to the stack until the load extended to the height of the canopy. It was then determined that even longer pieces could be laid on top of the canopy and lashed down for the short haul to the HITW. The wood picking was so good, we did not want to give up so we cut shorter lengths and by rolling down the passenger window was able to get some great "kindling" protruding from the cab, although there was no sitting room for Lady Eagle. Six planks were used on the snow plow blade to form a flat surface on which the chain saw was lashed down for transportation back to the HITW. Being that it was just a two mile haul, Lady Eagle chose the option of walking home instead of riding the platform on the plow blade. It would have made a great picture, however, someone forgot the camera. Upon arriving back at HITW, as witnessed by the Cow Buffie and Papa Bear, it was agreed that it was the largest single load of firewood ever delivered to the HITW, compliments of the Eagle Clan. Today, we buck it up!
Update, between July 14th and August 22nd, a total of 215 (5.5 fish per day) Silver Salmon passed through the Anchor River weir. Finally, from the rains received during the week, the river came up a couple of inches with just slight tint in color. On August 23rd, a total of 2,021 Silver Salmon made the dash through the weir - Papa Bear and the Grand Eagle, just happened to be at the bridge hole on the morning of the 24th as the migration continued - can you spell, Fantastic Fishing!? Numbers have not been released on the count for the 24th but it should exceed the previous day. Oh, I failed to mention that I was once again honored with a very nice Steelhead, in the 12 - 14 pound range - it was a nice fish. That is #3 for the season and the run has not even commenced! Do they get Steelhead in Ship Creek, Cambell Creek or Bird Creek? That is all!


Where Has The Summer Gone

All though the dog days of August is upon us, we still have guests in the HITW. Despite that it has rained steady for the past week, the Buffalo Clan has held tough with an occasional nightly visit from Papa Bear.
Although not completely finished, (roof needs painting) the new addition to the campground is a great improvement. I think we have passed the fire test, if we watch our fire but have discovered that rain gutters will also be a benefit so that will be a one day spring project. Perhaps with an attached cistern or holding tank to take advantage of the run off for dish washing or using in the hot tub. We could run a line down from the gutters to a coiled system in the bottom of the fire pit with an outlet, then we could have hot running water!
Silver Salmon fishing remains slow, although we have been picking up some limit catches out of our Honey Hole. By now, everyone has no doubt heard about the axle being ripped out of the Bear Truck after the Moose, Buffalo Calf and Papa Bear discovered the Old Wise Eagle had snuck away from them and picked up a limit of Silver Salmon under the bridge while they were running up and down the tidal zone at 11 a.m. in the morning. I think the Wolf Pack had a similar situation when one of the Wolf Pups wanted to go up and fish next to that "old man", not knowing it was the Grand Old Eagle. Young'ums are so easily fooled!
As we speak, I have a batch of flavored salmon in the smoke house. One flavor has been marinated in Lemon / Black Pepper Sauce, a second was marinated in Mesquite Sauce and the third is a Steak / Chop Marinating sauce. Papa Bear recently did one in a Hot Wings marinating sauce, it was very good - almost reminded me the time that I was in the South Pacific and had a batch of Smoked Flying Fish. That is all!
P.S. Ranger Bill called tonight, he had the hammer down in Gallup, New Mexico hoping to make it to Beaver before his hours ran out. He sounded very happy, he was whistling the song, "Six Days on the Road and I will be in Beaver tonight".


Tournament History

The Third Annual Vern Harrington Memorial Silver Salmon Derby is now into the history books. The Silver Salmon fisheries were a little tough on the Anchor River during the 36 hour marathon derby. At one time, the Wolf Clan, Bear Clan, Eagle Clan and a un-documented clan were fishing the same spot in hopes of taking that big derby winner. The Grand Poopah set the trend early in the morning by catching and releasing his second Steelhead Trout of the season, a nice example of the specie, most likely weighing in the 12 to 15 pound range. The only Silver Salmon taken in this initial push in the derby was landed by Papa Bear. Despite the slower than normal fishing, the Wolf Clan and Eagle Clan dedicated themselves to the task and fished right up to the expiration time of the tournament which was at noon on Sunday. This years winner, a second time he has won the Tournament was Daddy Bear with a small specimen of the specie. Being that it was Sunday, the Post Office was not open so we could weigh the fish, we could find no other scales in the area that would measure the weight is such small increments, we thought perhaps a postage scale may give us an accurate reading. Daddy Bear consented that instead of going by weight, he would settle for a measurement. the winner Silver Salmon measured in at 18.5 inches with an estimated weight of less than two pounds which is about a half pound larger than the fish in which he won the 1st Annual Derby so at a minimum he has set a record for having the smallest two winners in the Tournament, unlike that big 15.5 pounder that took the derby last year. As a side bar, the Silvers have moved into the river in better numbers, fished this evening, four fish on the tide back out with one buck that was pushing if not exceeding the 13 pound mark.


Out of Contact

Sorry, that I have not been keeping you informed on the progress at the HITW or the weather results of my Doppler Radar site, but I have been trying to take advantage of the beautiful weather and complete construction, so I have been burning up some hours. I would be on schedule, however, I decided to add a second story on the Gazebo. I thought the concept would be good, it will make a good watch tower for Ranger Bill to sit and watch for "Blue Duck", you never know when he will come riding in.
Silver fishing is slow, fish have just started to show up so the Derby is going to be interesting, those who are good should find success - for the rest of you - well I will share! Daddy Bear fished yesterday morning, took a nice "Silver" at the Bridge Hole - upon a closer examination it was a fine "Red Salmon" so there goes the theory that Red Salmon will not bite, especially on a good, gooey gob of salmon eggs. Needless to say, he made the sport fishing report. Speaking of that, time to call in and go back to work.


Where oh where has every one gone.

Sometime Friday evening it is planned that I will pull into my wallow with three of the buffie babies. I believe part of the Pecker Clan will be coming down that day too...something about a fair...and pizza cooks...extra cash...me I am coming for the peace and quiet! My plans are to remain in my wallow until the weekend of the 27...but depending on the health of my father in law...this could change. Pops I need a hole dug...not too wide but two to three feet deep....somewhere near the Duck House I think. A post will be put in this hole so put it in a place out of the drive way...on it...a surprise for Butch and Sundance. It will match the decor already...so do not panic. If mom gets bored she could fill my water tank for me...he he...I can not wait to get there...


Concept Works

The new Doppler site worked well today, showed me the rain coming our way and sure enough, it showed up right on schedule, unfortunately enough that it curtailed using any sort of power tools outside including my cordless screwdriver. However, even with the heavy rain at times, just the paper on the roof of the Fire Pit kept everything nice and dry, it was the only 12' x 12' piece of dry ground in the HITW. One fourth of the roof is now lap (not lop) sided, a time taking project since each board has to be cut at a 42 degree angle on each end and beveled at 45 degrees at the joints. Looks good, would have looked much better with a steeper pitched roof, but lesson learned. If the plans for a clan gathering materializes on August 11th and 12th, it should be finished with the exception of applying the stain! However, I have always maintained that a family that "stains" together stays together. By the way, that is not a "link", it is the color of stain we are using!



After three days of rain stopping construction, the last three days of sunshine has been great at the HITWRA. Finally got the sub roof on and finished papering it today so now I am ready to start laying the lap (not lop) sided roofing material. Going to be a time consuming project since each end piece has to be angled cut, but "I will git'er done". Although, probably not as time consuming as it was to lay the sub roof since things do not seem to be quite square! Did I tell you that already - four sided structure and not one wall is the same! But, I will prevail - might not be pretty but it is going to be hell for strong.

As I was laying roofing yesterday and talking to my son-in laws under my breath, the hostess got out the big weed eater and started cutting grass. Looking pretty good. The flowering bushes are alive, but do not seem to be producing well, the Wolf's Den flowering bush still has one one pink flower. The Moose Wallow bush has one yellow flower. The Bear Den and the Buffalo Wallow, their bushes have almost leafed out.

Finally got the best of "Butch" and "Sundance", I made sure the lid on the cookie jar was sealed down tight and left it on the counter just to tease them. The next morning a hole the size of my fist was gnawed in the lid and every cookie was gone. They must have used a ladder, there is no way they could have got out of that jar but they did escape. We are getting much friendlier and it won't be long before they will be taking food from my fingers. There name is appropriate, if you have ever seen the movie, they are two country bumpkins! The first time I gave them un-shelled peanuts, the next morning every peanut was still in the feeder but they had been chewed on but not opened. I shelled three of them to show them that their food was inside, since then, it has been a peanut battle between the two of them. Yesterday, Butch was in the feeder and Sundance was on the ground. Every once in awhile, Butch would pick up a peanut and drop it over the side to Sundance. Ruger still watches them, but he has learned that they are not for chasing.

On myfourrrth glass of Wine-A-Rita, going to try to get up and do a little Silver prospecting in the morning, the tides are right. Last year, on August 1st, Brother Bill and I limited out and released a bunch of fish on an evening tide - just perhaps it will occur once again.


May I suggest this improvement to the mess tent.


Appropriately Named

Having been rained out of the HITW for the past 72 hours, I was able to once again return this afternoon to the project. I did manage to get one more section of the sub roof in before the dew drops once again cancelled work. However, I was there long enough to justify to myself that the Little Poopah and myself appropriately named "Sundance Kid" and "Butch Cassidy", they are very intelligent little outlaws.

When vacating their site, the Wolf Clan left behind a gallon jar of animal crackers that was about three quarters full. Through the humid summer, they have become stale, consequently I have been using them to get friendly with our little residents. The evening prior to the monsoon, the jar of cookies which was about half full was sitting on the counter. I remember distinctly checking the lid on the jar and making sure it was secure. Knowing that there was no way that they could get into the jar, I left it on the counter. Seventy two hours elapsed and on my return, I immediately went to get some snacks for our little furry friends since they had been ignored for three days. Much to my surprise, the lid is laying on the counter and the jar is nearly empty. I do not know how many of their friends joined in the party, but no way could the two of them eat that many crackers. Examining the lid, there are tiny tooth marks around the lid, somehow they manage to unscrew that cap - perhaps I should install an alarm system or at least a video surveillance camera. You think "Chip" and "Dale" were smart - they do not hold a candle to the infamous Sundance and Butch.


Darn this family is BIG!

Well I for one am going to start planning ahead...okay maybe not ahead...but...sister...could you find a way to put a calendar on this site...one we can put dates into...like fishing derbies...plans for trips south...BIRTHDAYS.....so heads up
July closing off with Riley....August...Warren....Heather is around here somewhere...see I cant make it past my crew (notice I did not put a date for R hehe)....help I am getting to old for Birthday's!!!!!!!


New Residents

Since spending some wonderful hours in the peace and tranquility of the HITWRA, I have discovered that we have several new residents that seem real comfortable in the surroundings and the benefits of being in a hide-out. Although, I suspect as many as four, but for sure we have two resident squirrels (not counting the one that drowned) that have become brave enough to come out of their home in the alders to see what all the noise is.
Watching them for a few days as they tried to sneak into the cook tent to steal a tidbit of food, I decided it was time that they be welcomed as the Squirrel Clan. The first step was to establish boundaries, so the bird feeder in the Birch Tree was activated. They must have been watching, it took them about ten minutes to discover the buffet of bread crumbs. Since then, I have put them on a diet of animal crackers (Thanks to the Wolf Clan) and peanuts. We are now up to five feedings per day. They seem to be quite content sharing their feeder with the two Camp Robbers that just happened to fly in one day and take up residency. After two days of feeding, this evening I got up to within 18 inches to get this photographs before Ruger showed up. By fall, they will be sitting around he fire pit with us. If you are wondering if they have been named, they have. As of today, my apprentice and I decided since they were such little robbers and they live in the Hole In the Wall, the only names they could have is "Sundance Kid" and "Butch Cassidy". In time, we may be able to tell which one is which. Your next visit to the HITW, make sure you bring un-shelled peanuts. We are trying to maintain a healthy diet for them so please do not bring salted or barbecued flavor peanuts, as it gives them gas.

Construction Updated

First Story Rafters Are Finally In Place
And Ready For The Sub-Roof
Aerial View Taken While Making A Quick
Entry Into the HITW Via Zip Line
It is now time for the quiz that I promised following Day 3 construction. Part of the materials for this project included forty (40) pounds of nails, to build the the Gazebo as well as re-stock my supply bins. How many nails were utilized in the construction phase to date?


Construction Update

First Day

Second Day

Third Day

The roof support framing completed today and the commencement of the rafter placement. Progress is slow, but little interruptions like a squirrel in the empty garbage can be a distracting, plus just a lot of thinking time over a cup of coffee, enjoying the sun. You should carefully watch the construction phase pictures as there will be a guessing game upon completion, the person with the correct guess will be awarded a prize.

Like most construction jobs, we endeavor to train those interested in the carpentry industry and learn the trades so we do offer an "Apprenticeship Program" to those who qualify. All safety requirements are strictly adhered to while working on a job site with overhead construction.


Great Fish(erman)

One more look of that 15.5 Pound Silver Salmon that won the 2006 Vern Harrington Memorial Silver Salmon Derby sponsored by the Hole In the Wall Recreational Area Recreational Committee


HITW Update, Again

Had a small set back in the construction phase of the HITW Gazebo, I have lost the construction trailer that I was going to utilize to haul and store my tools, someone came along and decided they needed it worst than I did. The bad thing about it is that Ranger Bill also lost his travel trailer.

Day 1: However, I was able to put Plan "B" in affect. Spent a couple of hours sorting through sticks and parts at Home Depot on Friday. According to my plans I have enough to complete the job - but knowing my carpentry skills several more trips to SBS, Home Depot, and Anchor Point Hardware will more than likely be required.

Day 2: Little Bull Moose and I got an early start, I have to give the boy credit, he is a great helper in between play periods, but he was always there to help out when I called him in from play. Quite a feat to get 2" x 6" x 12' headers up in the air 9'3" by yourself. Considering filing a claim against the crew that installed the foundation and I never want to hear a word about "slapping a 90". North side of foundation 12' 2.5"; South side of foundation 12' 1"; West side of foundation 11' 9"; East side of foundation 11' 10.5". Now I do not care how you figure it, you cannot covert that into a square. The blueprints had to be modified slightly, (1st Change Order) to accommodate the new un-square foundation. However, no adjustments had to be made to the height, the sonar tubes were perfectly level, if I remember right, someone showed up with a laser level and sighted those in. The framing was accomplished today and all the headers installed. Tomorrows project will include the interior framing of the interior support in preparation for the rafters and roof. Pictures to follow, if I remember the camera.

To insure that it meets code for an interior fireplace, the computation indicates that no fire should exceed six (6) feet in height from ground level with five (5) feet being the safety maximum. Weather was ideal for construction, short sleeve shirt, dry and hot. Weather outlook for Day 3 is similar. It is great to work on a site that has a stove and coffee pot. A great place to work.



I, too, have had a vision.

The earth stood still and all was at rest.
An old eagle stood by to prattle his best.
The bird spoke a silver streak of derbies he'd won,
lightning screaming in the sky, and salmon - 1 by 1.
Sitting on his mighty perch, we've no doubt in his power.
In fact, a wolf learned something within this very hour.

talk is cheap, heroes don't sleep, clans are being punked.
whose words do make the largest heap could very well get skunked.

(providing all the clans can have a member present, or, have AT LEAST a proxy fisherman to enter the fat hen in my dreams .... some of us have to work or the earth quits turning)

Vern Harrington Silver Salmon Derby

This is an official announcement that the 3rd Annual Vern Harrington Silver Salmon Derby will be held on August 11th and 12th this year. As you all know, in the past dad and I would catch a limit of Silver Salmon on his birthday, pose for a picture and in time it became known as the "Birthday Catch". The birthday catch on the left was caught in 1962, just prior to starting my Senior Year in High School. Dad was 49, just thirteen years younger than I am now. Where did the years go?

The first derby was won by the Bear Clan with a Silver that tipped the scales at six pounds. Last year's winner was humbly accepted by the Eagle Clan for his Silver that tipped the scale at 15.5 pounds. I have had a vision, silver streaks across the northern skis representing Silver Salmon running with my line.

To commemorate this vision, I have arranged a special, educational treat to entertain all. "The annual Perseid meteor shower is expected to put on a great show this year." "The Moon will be out of the way, leaving dark skis for good viewing as Earth plunges through an ancient stream of comet debris". The folks at NASA Meteoroid Office at Marshall Space Center says it is "going to be a great show".

To see the show, one need only to find a comfortable spot, away from city lights and a clear view of the northeastern skis. A dark rural location is best according to the space center and those on the western seaboard will have the best observation opportunity. These little rascals are going to be traveling at the rate of 133,200 mph as they slam into our atmosphere. Again, according to the folks from NASA, the best observation time will be the late night of August 12th through the dawn of August 13th.

Is that or is that not a great vision? I know all of you have felt that I have lost my power, but good vision's are hard to come up with, they develop through time. As a side line to this vision, I had a short second vision of me once again holding this giant Silver Salmon as little stars twinkled around me, it was a good vision.


Geeze Gazebo

Geeze, it is time to start working on the Gazebo. The mood to break out the power tools is finally starting to keep me awake at nights. The plans are laid, the "hoss trailer" will be my mobile construction tool shop(if the Belguim mare does not fit), the crews have been trained on the proper way to hammer and even use a saw. I am sure that the contractor, "Eagle and Calves Construction" will do a good job. Tomorrow, the agenda may include making a trip north to pick up a load of sticks, with a six foot bed, I am sure that a six foot overhang is not illegal as long as it is flagged. I did have an architect do a floor plan and artistic impression of the finished product for your information and approval, not that it really matters! After further review of the HITW long range plan and the construction of an addition on my shop to serve as a "fishing tackle room", the next major step is to build a staircase from the Eagle Nest into the HITW with several "resting landings" to break up the number of steps, it may be a project that is put off until spring and less foliage to contend with. The Gazebo is first and within the next week to ten days, we should be sitting around a cozy fire and listening to the raindrops beat upon the roof - hope it doesn't leak! But, that is why "Blue Duck" invented the tarp. Other news in the HITW, the beach flowers at the Wolf Den have gone crazy with erotic flowers sprouting up all over the place - my weed whacker may have to be put to use. The flowering bushes that was placed into the landscaping scheme this spring have all survived and some of them even have leaves on them already. The resident squirrel had a very serious accident, he jumped into the garbage can to get something to chew on and found it to contain only several inches of rain water. Not wearing a PFD (personal flotation device) nor a good swimmer, he succumbed to drowning, only to be discovered by Golden Grannie a few days later. I did skin him out and have his hide stretched on the side of the Wolf Den for drying. I figured if we ever had a "Squirrel Clan" it would come in handy as a loin cloth. The"Duck House" is empty, those little germs that the Plumma gave me devoured everything. I would guess that in a matter of a couple of weeks, we will see a little more activity at the HITW with the Bear Clan visiting on a regular basis to do a little Silver Salmon fishing. Did I tell you that I am now enjoying my first batch of "fresh smoked Silver Salmon" or the fact that I now have twenty (20) cartons of fresh salmon eggs prepped and ready for Silver Salmon season. I did fail to mention in my last posting pertaining to the erection of our sign, while landscaping around the area, I discovered what a lot of people were looking for when the HITW was first developed. One scoop of dirt, and there it was, don't know how long or deep the vein is, but it looks really good. Currently waiting for an assay report.


This is for JD Plumma. Couldn't post it for ya in comments so here are those pillows I told ya about. Flotation for your cardboard boat. They make it in vinyl also. These are plastic / paper. Make your boat resemble a big blue peep(the Blue Duck)
I found one of these up here in Washington, can I keep him, can I, can I?


To All Clansmen,

I will indulge in the habit of drinking more brew if only we could have our own "beer lady" at the HITW. Please insure all members get the opportunity to view the attached video.

(children and people at work SHUT you eyes)


Welcome to the Hole In The Wall

Been wanting to complete this "little" project since early spring, after several days of sanding fifteen years of wear and tear from the cedar and re-applying several coats of oil, I finally got it into the ground today with the help of the Little Clan Poopah and his lovely Moose sister. The bull legged wood piece weighs about a hundred pounds so it took a little creative rigging to get it into place and secured to the beam, but with them lifting and me pulling, we put it in place. If you do not recognize the sign post, it was the sign we used when we had the charter boat, the Plumma painted the original sign. Nick Dudiak used it later for a sign for his charter office which is now my tool shed. Since he quit chartering, it has been laying behind the warehouse waiting for a practical use. The big fish on top is the fish that was displayed over the Anchor Angler sign for many years. I am hoping that someone with some artistic talent will take it home with them this winter and repaint it. Three cans of silver, black, and white spray paint does not do it justice. The smaller fish is a half mount that we used in an outside fish identification display on the lawn area at the Anchor Angler. Cost of construction, four eye bolts, two shackles and three cans of spray paint.

This is the exiting look of the backside of the sign, I am sure in time we will discover something to remind everyone not to drink and drive and buckle up for safety. Please notice the big spruce tree, I did not transplant that tree but never noticed it either until I was taking a break from digging holes in the ground. It is almost a perfect spruce tree, but it was encompassed with alders. With the assistance from the chainsaw, weed whacker, and three hours later, we had it all cleaned out and the branches carried off for the drying process and future campfire wood. After it was all cleaned up, it left a great area to landscape into a flowered area. With some much needed sunlight and less competition, it should grow fast and perhaps provide a swing branch for my great, great grandchildren. Until then, we can just set and admire it! So much fun, so sorry that all of you missed out.


I really like this style of gazebo, the roof looks really easy to build.
Can we modify our plans to make it look like this?


Gazeebo Update

Thought I had best bring everyone up to date on the construction project of building the fire pit gazebo. The sauna, sonar, tubes or whatever they are called are now installed - oh, I forgot, all of you installed those. Since that is the case, I guess you are now up to date on the construction of the gazebo since nothing else has been accomplished. Oh, don't go frettin on me, it will get done! Before me, I have two sets of plans of which I have not decided which one will be utilized. The first one is complicated but attractive, the second one is simple but ugly, the first one will take more lumber, the second one will take less - so many decisions to make, sure glad I am not building a house! The second project is well underway, my little helper learned how to use a socket wrench and really enjoyed tearing it apart so we could sand and rebuild it on site. Perhaps, the HITW project will become larger than any one of us imagined it would, cannot divulge at this time since no decisions have been rendered at this time, just thoughts to ponder! By the way, the Plumma was not even in camp and the damm kitchen sink turned up missing sometime over the past weekend. That was a custom built cabinet with a sink installed, now it is cabinet with a big hole it!


Home Again

Well the emergency trip South went well...It was nice pulling into the HITW to a burning fire...no not the forest fire but the poo-paws fire...complete with coffee.
My little house was set up and ready for me top take occupancy...and the kids spent lots of time at the Eagles nest...Unfortunately after the first night...there was no fire in the pit...spending all day chasing forest fires on one day and packing in the rain on the other...we had no chance to sit and chat at the fire...but from the news reports I am getting we the purpose of out trip was achieved and as long as no one moves their cabin to Tustamena lake all is well...
I would say the most eventful part of this weekend was actually the trip home. The moose rig is crippled and had to limp home...this required frequent stops...turning a 3 and a half hour trip into a nine hour one. but it was a good one...one of the best I have taken...stopping often relieves that "damn I am sick of a riding in a car feeling." We stopped first out side of Ninilchick at the burned out motel/bar...hoping to see a glimpse of the retreating fire...this turned into and adventure for Kimmy and Heidi and a night mare for poor Sierra...she sat with me in the Yukon...afraid of the ghosts in the building...I think she was right...what a creepy building...no luck here but a few of the crew needed to potty and do not squat so we headed up the road to Deep Creek. Stopping at the potty Papa moose ambled his way to the river, of course. He immediately noticed a tourist from Tennessee fishing and had a minor confrontation with him about the fishing regulations...of course at the time the guy was in "bonking" a poor salmon over the head...being caught the ass threw the dead fish back!!! Now this really pissed off Papa moose...but being non confrontational he sat and strewed...calling the troopers would have been useless...we saw not one the whole trip. Unfortunately for those travelling South the jerks were not only killing salmon illegally but the proceeded to swig a few more beers before getting in their truck...pulling a fifth wheel and head south to Homer...guess if you drink it while your stopped it is not drinking and driving. Realizing there was nothing we could do short of blowing out their tires we headed North again...made it to Clam Gulch...where we stopped on the beach and saw the "Twins" a brief nautical lesson for mama wolf and some "run time" for Kim and we were off again...making it to Soldotna we stopped for food...now we left Anchor Point at 3:00pm it was 6 when we pulled into McD's....longest trip to Soldotna I have ever had....after food and a smoke we were headed North again...Cooper Landing Camp Ground was out next stop...now that river is intimidating river. This stop was more a potty break as we new we would stop for awhile at the bottom of the pass...Tern Lake was our next stop...with all these kids someone had to potty at every out house we found...so we did leave a trail for other to follow...Now the most interesting thing I found at Tern Lake was a sign for "Old Sterling Hwy mile 961" I will drive that old dirt road someday...I know my grandparents probably did...now I want to...After a long run around...which did nothing for the energy level of Kim...that girl can talk...and move for hours...we headed up the pass...Hope junction the moose left the path again and we found ourselves under the old "Canyon Creek Bridge" We walked out on the bridge and Warren tried to climb it so I herded my buffies back to safety but not until after I glimpsed the valley from a very new view...I remember it was a long way down...looking out the truck window many years ago...now what was a long way down stands above the bridge...mighty tall trees growing in that protected valley. hope fully Heidi has the pictures on her flicker...cant link it as I dont have the address and am too lazy to go find it.
Being all down hill from here we made it to Girdwood before we again stopped...coffee had...smokes smoked and we were ready to move again...Donny had to poo...once everyone was buckled being 10:30 we hit the road...we were in Indian when Heidi turned around and realized we had left Donny in Girdwood...ooops...new I would do that someday. Thank God it was the big kid although we can not figure out why Kim and Sierra did not tell us Donny was no longer with them. Leaving the Moose to cool off we headed back for Donny. We found him sitting on the bench looking dejected...will he ever forgive me? We did catch the moose again at Potters Marsh...and stopped for one last sit...I parted ways with them at this time...found the Wolf Den lights still on at midnight...dropped that crew off on the road side...I am getting good at that now....and headed for home...Took Donny, Britt and I less that fifteen minutes to unload and de garbage the Yukon and Donny was off to bed....Britt and I rehashed the weekend until 3am and now it is back to reality. So a weekend of house cleaning turned into a fun adventure that I can remember in years to come...although the trip to Anchor Point may never be three hours again...there is a lot of cool places between here and there you pass right up at 80.